Tuesday, December 1, 2015


I'm at 30,432K, kinda in the middle of Amanda's journey. I'm actually at a crossroads because I've got to come up with more leads for my protagonist to find her dad. I can't seem to plot it out, like write an outline or synopsis, or tags, it all seems to happen when my fingers are typing away, so I'll have to type and write away to the finish line. It hasn't been easy.

November, NaNoWri month inspired me to move on, having been there, done that, got to the finish line and wrote 50K. So I've got the bounded book on my desk to inspire me to finish Star Struck Girl.

What I realized without knowing how it happened, I've got food in my novel, even an Italian hero.

But food is great to create setting. More on that later.

Now back to Star Struck Girl.